Our app allows you to quickly create time lapse videos withoutall the difficult editing! Simply select the section of the recording you want and our app creates a video you can playback.
Our Heatmaps are smarter and more accurate. We utilise the power of our Object Recognition Technology to generate smart Heatmaps, showing only areas where people or cars were moving.
Our system identifies thousands of objects such as vehicles, construction materials, or heavy equipment, and provides a confidence score.
Vandals and thieves are always looking for a new target. Our team is available 24/7-year-round to monitor and maintain your security system.
For systems with facial recognition installed, our app allows you to search similar faces. You can create an index of faces detected in your images. Fast and accurate searches return faces that best match your reference face. Use a photo to search for faces that best match your photo.
Quickly search through past events that have been tracked by our system. Quickly add tags to events so they are easier to search through. Select a period of time to efficiently pinpoint exact events.
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